Irish Energy News

Welcome to Irish Energy News, a new section on Irish Energy Assessors. In this section we discuss current news and events in the energy sector in Ireland.

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air tightness blog postThe air tightness of the building envelope is a requirement for achieving the latest energy techniques in new buildings as much as for retrofitting of existing buildings. Specifically targeting the removal of unwanted air leakage brings about the energy savings potential required to get a good BER result. Installing air tightness systems such as the SIGA air tightness also helps prevent moisture transfer into the building construction. Furthermore maximizing energy-efficient standards of heating systems or windows only develop their full potential if unwanted air leakages in your building envelope are eliminated.

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Retrofitting Works

Considerable changes have definitely formed around the level of quality when it comes to new homes being constructed with in the last four years; That is the message coming from the The Central Statistics Office (CSO). Older properties retrofitted with insulation's as well as efficient and cost-effective home heating upgrades also demonstrated a marked improvement in the BER Ratings. Some 5% of older dwellings had an 'A' or 'B' rating, which rose to 17% among 26,625 properties which undergone retrofitting. All these changes we see are resulting in lower heating costs to the occupants. Retrofitting is proving to improve energy efficiency of older homes and is key to reducing your energy bills.

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The Classic Kettle Soon to Be A Thing Of The Past

It goes without saying that the electric kettle is undoubtedly one of biggest culprits when it comes to wasting energy inside your home, I never gave it to much time in thinking how to improve it but fortunately several other people have!

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Certified Air Tightness Tester Scheme

Irish Energy Assessor customers will already know this, but we have always strived to offer a top quality service. The type of products and services that we offer are the corner stone of the air tightness industry. We have always expressed the importance of quality when it comes to the airtight seals and membranes used to create the an airtight envelope of buildings, that’s why we only use the SIGA air tight application which is accepted in the industry as the best performing air tightness application.

When it came to the measurement of the of air permeability of buildings, using the fan pressurisation method (the blower door air tightness test), we have prescribed methods in the construction industry to work to, but we did not have a quality standard to meet.